No Worries, blokes I'm getting ready to depart for Australia whence I'll go to New Caledonia and Vanuatu and back to Australia. I'll be in Sydney, Melbourne, and the more rural area of Mildura. My girlfriend is Australian and we do the long distance thing right now. So, this is a chance to see her! I'm very excited! :) My trips to Australia in the past have been quite nerdy. But that's the way I like it! We always visit places like museums, galleries, historical sites, and other unique attractions. Above all, we visit churches. I've always been fascinated by churches, especially the different architecture and interior designs, and the way they operate liturgically. Usually, we visit Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches because they're often the most prominent (and unlike many others, they're usually unlocked, at least in the cities during the day). We have seen some wonderful ones, like St. Paul's (Anglican), St. Patrick's (Catholic), and St. Peter's (Anglican), all Melbourne and St. Mary's (Catholic), St. James (Anglican), and Holy Trinity (aka the Garrison Church, Anglican), all Sydney. Visiting these churches as I explore where God is calling me to serve him will no doubt give them even more meaning. I hate the term "church shopping" but I am looking for a church where I can best live the catholic faith I've held for over four years now. I'm completely sure it's not in the Episcopal Church and I'm pretty sure it's not in Anglicanism. I feel God still is calling me more and more to Roman Catholicism. I'm hoping and praying that on my trip God will give me even more clarity. Sometimes when we get outside our local worlds it's easier to see things more clearly. I've been hoping for some clear cut indications where God wants me, but God doesn't always work that way. Usually I find it's more about tuning out our human distractions (and sinful behavior) than about needing God to speak louder. I'm hoping on this trip I can tune out some of those distractions. This blog won't be updated as much while I'm gone, but I do hope to update it occasionally. I want to leave you with a beautiful travel prayer from Durandus of Mende (13th century) taken from the New St. Joseph People's Prayer Book (pg. 397): O God, You called Abraham Your servant our of Ur and kept him safe and sound in all his wanderings. If it is Your Will, protect your servants. Be for us a support when setting out, friendship along the way, a little shade from the sun, a mantle against cold and rain, a crutch on slippery paths, and a haven in shipwreck. Bear us up in fatigue, and defend us under attack. Under Your protection, let us fulfill the purpose for our trip and return safe and sound to our home. Amen
Ancient and Future Christian Musings
The co-editor of writes on catholic Christianity with special emphasis on its role today.
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