Our True Priorities I've been reading Surprised by Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic compiled by Patrick Madrid. These are the stories I'm interested in, human experiences. Apologetics are important, but I've been so immersed in them, I know every argument. Besides, how many of us really make decisions with only cold logic? C.S. Lewis knew all the arguments, but he was converted by joy. John Wesley was a learned priest, but it was his heart that was strangely warmed at Aldersgate. Already the book is paying off. The first story is about a Protestant who converted based on church history and also about the steadfastness of the Roman Catholic witness in secular society. One thing in his work really spoke to me personally. When a friend with a terminal illness asked the author what the author would do if he were dying, the author responded he'd join the Catholic Church. I've had that same conversation with myself and gave the same answer. I think that situation tends to bring out our true priorities. When I think of marriage and raising kids, I also would like to be in a Church that stands for Truth and not merely blowing each and every way the secular winds dictate. Maybe we could call them "push" questions, because they push the situational envelope a little bit. As a 26 year old, healthy single male, I'm content to remain mainline Protestant. Yet, if my time is nearly up or I'm making decisions that imperil the souls of others, I don't want to take any chances. The journey continues...
Ancient and Future Christian Musings
The co-editor of www.ancient-future.net writes on catholic Christianity with special emphasis on its role today.
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