For Shame The radical pro-choice agenda present in the mainlines is disgusting. I'd venture to say that the majority of Americans, even those decidedly pro-life or pro-choice, still struggle with the abortion issue. Survey after survey shows that Americans, even those who are pro-choice, feel a little quaesy about abortion. And, as a consequence, they support restrictions on abortion. Very few Americans support abortion on demand. I'd venture to say that very few Episcopalians support abortion on demand. Yet, those few hold sway at the national level and present the "official" church policy. On the area of abortion it may surprise many in the pews to know that not only is the mainline American leadership pro-choice, it is radically pro-choice. The positions held by many of our mainline leaders are indistinguishable from NARAL or NOW. It shouldn't come as a surprise: both draw their membership from the elite, upper middle class, aging former hippies for whom sexual "liberation" is an obsession they try to ram down the throats of anyone who even slightly disagrees with them. Abortion is a difficult personal choice, yet the Church has to be clear: abortion is a sin. It also has to be even clearer that like all sins, it too can be forgiven and the person committing it can receive healing within the Church. However, the mainline churches consider abortion to be either morally acceptable or morally neutral. That is outrageous. That is also why I will not give any money to any organization that forwards some of their money to the national Episcopal Church headquarters. I refuse to support a radically un-Christian agenda. The recent women's march in Washington was downright embarassing to watch. And mainline money went to finance some of that because almost all the major mainline churches were present there. I am no Bush fan, but to see the kinds of spectacles that happened there turns me off from the Kerry camp as well. It is truly sad to see two venerable institutions, the Democratic Party and the Episcopal Church, become so radically leftist and out of touch with ordinary people. For shame!
Ancient and Future Christian Musings
The co-editor of writes on catholic Christianity with special emphasis on its role today.
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