Modernism in the West is dead. The mainline churches (including the Episcopal Church) who have hitched their futures to the modernist star are dying along with it. Instead of recognizing the need for total rejuvenation, the mainlines are keeping modernism on life support (the machine itself is the seminaries).
A good example is among young Christians, most of whom are not in mainlines and those who are, typically leave when they come of age. The oldlines may want to stay on, but the believing mainline youth would prefer not to go down with a sinking ship. This is especially true on the Titanic in the Episcopal Church, where a recent survey revealed that secular youth are more Christian than your average Episcopal youth. If this represents the ECUSA futures market, I believe I'll bet on Re-alignment, Rome or Orthodoxy.
Ancient and Future Christian Musings
The co-editor of writes on catholic Christianity with special emphasis on its role today.
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