Ok, a "secret" memo has been leaked saying that the AAC bishops and members don't want to be a part of the Episcopal Church and that they would like to form an alternative to ECUSA to be recognized by various primates (and perhaps even the ABC). I have a bad feeling this is going to be the excuse the liberals are looking for to crack down on orthodoxy in ECUSA. Of course, for anyone who has followed the fallout from GC2003, none of this should come as any surprise. I was under the impression this was the AAC's plan all along. I would probably no longer be Anglican now if I didn't think this was the game plan. I for one am glad to see that the AAC really does take true re-alignment seriously. The network within a church has serious limits, which re-alignment solves (one example is the election of bishops: do you think the HOB would approve another Jack Iker or Bob Duncan? Yeah right!). I say bring on re-alignment and the sooner the better.
Ancient and Future Christian Musings
The co-editor of www.ancient-future.net writes on catholic Christianity with special emphasis on its role today.
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